Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Raw dessert of champions

Want something sweet and fancy, without any work? Try this! Impress your guests (or your family) with your dessert-making skills.

your favorite fresh fruit (be sure to slice apples, oranges or other large fruit)
dates (optional but they really are delicious with this syrup!)
raw cacao powder
raw agave nectar
small bit of cold-pressed olive oil

Rinse fruit, slice as necessary. Spread on a serving plate.

In a small bowl make enough chocolate syrup for everyone. For 2 people, start with about 3 T agave nectar. Now add about 2 T cacao. You'll also need to add about 1 t olive oil to help it mix. Voila! Use more liquid to make it thinner or more cacao for a thicker dip.


If you're looking for a hearty dessert, be sure to add 1 raw almond to the inside of each date you're putting on the platter. It's yummy, healthy AND filling.


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