Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So easy salad

Do you eat salads? Do you even like them? I say, if you don't like salads it's just because you don't make them right.

You read that right.. there is a right way to make salads: use random, fresh ingredients, add raw nuts on top and don't forget some spices and a light dressing. Sounds simple, right?

Here's one of our main dishes. We eat this ALL the time:


Fresh veggies: organic romaine, freshly sliced red and greed cabbage (this is important!), spinach, freshly sliced organic carrots, tomatoes and whatever else we have lying around - from snow peas to fresh green beans. And always have an avocado. YUM!

Don't forget to keep raw nuts in your fridge. We use cashews or sliced almonds almost every time:


You can use a packaged dressing but be sure to read your ingredients! Never buy foods with artificial sweeteners, partially- or hydrogenated oils or anything you don't understand. *Artificial sweeteners cause migraines. I haven't had a migraine since I gave up diet soda and anything else "diet" about 4 years ago.*

Easy (mostly) raw dressing:

Just get a tiny mixing bowl and add a few T of cold-pressed olive oil (or your fav raw oil), a dash of garlic powder, onion powder and as much balsamic vinegar as you like. I love it! Mix with a fork and pour over your salads.

You're getting healthy fats from your raw oil and raw nuts that will keep you full and healthy!


  1. This looks sooo good!! I'm going to have this tomorrow I hope! And the part about no migraines- I need to figure out where I'm getting artificial sweetners... I'm having migraines almost everyday.

  2. Those flavored water drinks you had when we were there are full of it - anything "diet" or pre-packaged and labeled "low-calorie" or something. Usually they make it that way by adding something artificial.

    If you make most of your own foods you'll know what goes into them!

    Try this: keep carbonated water around (in cans or 2-liters) and lemons and limes. Then, anytime you want a drink you just squeeze a lemon into carbonated water. Seriously, it's SO GOOD! We go through limes and lemons like crazy over here. And did you know that lemons have more vit C than oranges? :)

    Since we don't have a juicer yet (that's the only thing I think we're missing) we buy cherry concentrate - which is just concentrated cherry juice. So, we can add cherry juice + agave or raw sugar to the carbonated water + lime and have a homemade cherry limeade!

    You can make all sorts of fresh drinks. And really, you'll drink more water if you try it carbonated. (You can carbonate your own or just buy it.)

  3. Oh - and watch out for salad dressings, peanut butters that aren't made of just nuts (and so many are made of junk!), breads (read all of your ingredients and learn the brands to buy)... the list goes on.

    You'll learn as you go.


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